Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Delectable Lie

I am stealing this from CBC

In his new book Delectable Lie, [Salim Mansur] argues that multiculturalism's main tenet, that all cultures are equal, is a flawed idea.

"It was a warm and fuzzy idea introduced by Pierre Trudeau in the 1970s, and liberal democracies in Europe followed. Forty years later, they have come to the realisation that multiculturalism is a failure."
...liberal democracy itself is a culture that had to be fought for and defended. "Liberal democracy is based on the idea of freedom and individual rights," explained Mansur. "And when you import the idea of multiculturalism, then you are placing an equal emphasis on group identity, or collectivism."

This contradiction is exactly what Mansur says doesn't work about multiculturalism: if the rights of the individual are more important than the rights of a collective, how can the rights of a collective be just as important as the rights of an individual?

How can [cultures that don't respect freedom or gender equality or minority cultures] be given equal treatment alongside liberal democracy? It is an absurdity that is hollowing out liberal democracy."


Instead of war or sanctions, we should wage trade... by first allowing huge numbers of Afghans, Iranians or whomever to come to America and send remittances home.  This will jump start economic progress which will quickly lead to liberal democracy.

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