Wednesday, June 25, 2014

So much for non-violence

I have listened to far too many hours of podcast lectures on the historical jesus (upwards of 30 hrs + books)... Yet I still came across something interesting - they were armed.

Yeshua and his followers went to Jerusalem during Passover and knocked over the money changers' tables at the Temple. That night, when he was arrested, one or two of his followers drew swords and one struck off the ear of the high priests' slave. Armed and violent... how bizarre.

Passover is, of course, a Jewish liberation holiday. Since the Romans were oppressing and heavily taxing the Jews (and everyone else), the Romans were wary of such liberation festivals. There were thousands of extra soldiers in Jerusalem for Passover to quickly squash any sort of revolt that might form -- exactly the sort of disturbance that Yeshua made.

The Romans had already crucified thousands of Jews for defiance against the Empire - they did so quickly and brutally, without any trial or preamble. Everybody, including Yeshua and his followers, knew this. They went there looking for trouble, with swords.

So much for non-violence.

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