Thursday, December 14, 2017

Ape Love, in Ten Parts

As the bonobo mounted his mate, he whispered into her ear, "Only theologians can be true atheists."
"Indeed," she replied. "Those who are least aware of a theory are most enslaved by it."
Breathing heavily, he stepped back and blasphemed on the soil. "We are too old for children," he stated.
Sitting next together, they groomed each other for a few moments. Only the sound of lice popping between their teeth could be heard.
"You are too beautiful," he declared. "I have nothing to give you that is worthy of your beauty."
"Do not bother," she replied. "I once had a friend who was truly beautiful. You would have fallen for her. All the male apes did. They were constantly giving her objects as testaments to their love.  Whenever I saw her, she would show me her latest treasures. She was very proud of her possessions. Over time, I began to resent these meetings. She seemed to value me only as a witness to her glory."
"What happened to her?" asked the male.
"She was killed by a jealous lover. He was a beautiful, powerful ape. When he discovered her infidelity, he smashed her skull with his fists. He beat her and beat her until there was nothing but pulverized flesh, hair, and bone. When his murder was discovered, the elders ripped off his testicles and beat him to death."
"Even the strongest are easily overwhelmed by a crowd," the male concurred. "I, too, once knew an ape who was beautiful and strong. He was also very proud - not of his possessions, but his physicality. In his pride, he dominated the other males, but he was cut in a fight and became sick with a fever. While delirious, he fell from his tree and hurt his legs and back. He never recovered his strength, so his pride was mortally wounded. He became bitter and resentful. In spite, he spread lies and rumors about other apes. He became ostracized and hated by everyone. Eventually, he left the tribe, where I assume he died."
"That is a sad story. His lies and rumors remind me of another story," the female said. "The sister of the ape I mentioned before was not so blessed with beauty. No lovers gave her trinkets or gifts. But she was still proud. In her false vanity, she claimed gifts for herself and boasted that they were given to her. Her thefts were eventually discovered. The shame of her guilt was too much for her family.  They disowned her, so she wandered alone, looking for food and was devoured by jaguars one dry season."
"That is sad," replied the male. "We are old. We have seen much.  Too many murders; too much unnecessary unrest."
"If only our children would listen," murmured the female. "They could avoid making the same mistakes.
"But they do not listen," stated the male. "They have no respect for our wisdom."
"If only we could set aside one day a week to get them to listen to some of what we have seen," continued the female.
"Listen to us?" Scoffed the male. "My children mock me. In their pride, they think they know best. They are ignorant and naive, but arrogant and proud."
"Yes, but did you honor your parents?" asked the female.
"No. My father was a tyrant. He wanted me to be absolutely dependent on him for everything. If he had his way, I would not have the ability to breath without his permission."
"This is the way of life," the female mused. "We are all absolutely dependent on something. For me, it is luck. Everything I have and all that I have accomplished is due to luck."
"Our luck has been good, I guess. We are old," relied the male. "And I am lucky to be here with you."
"Fortune smiles on us," she murmured, crunching a louse between her teeth.
"For now," he agreed.

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