Wednesday, December 20, 2017

List Magick

Dude: Today we are speaking with Al Crowley, an expert in List Magick, which is defined as "the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will."
Al has written literally thousands of lists and is a tireless evangelizer of the efficacious powers of List Magick. 
Al, can you please introduce the concept of List Magick to us?

Al: Yes, Dude. List Magick is essentially a method for a person to reach true understanding of the self and to act according to one's true will, which he or she sees as the reconciliation "between freewill and destiny." In our everyday battles with pressures and expectations, it is easy to lose oneself.

Dude: A reconciliation between freewill and destiny? That sounds pretty esoteric, Al. Isn't List Magick really just the process of making lists to organize one's efforts?

Al: Dude, it is much more than that. Anyone can make a list, but invoking the power of List Magick requires a deeper level of concentration and commitment. Used effectively, List Magick may effect ANY required change by the application of the proper kind and degree of Force in the proper manner, through the proper medium to the proper object. List Magick is the Science of understanding oneself and one's conditions. It is the Art of applying that understanding in action.

Dude: I do not deny that there is a certain art and science of making good lists, but do you worry that wrapping your methods in such religious language and mysticism will marginalize your method?

Al: To the contrary, Dude. I am a firm believer that the full power of List Magick cannot be effectively wielded without mysticism and a deep appreciation of the powers at hand. In fact, the focus of my method is to develop regular mystical practices such that the magician becomes filled with List Magick, fed upon List Magick, intoxicated with List Magick. Little by little his body will become purified by the internal lustration of List Magick; day by day his mortal frame, shedding its earthly elements, will become in very truth the List Magick. Day by day matter is replaced by Spirit, the human by the divine; ultimately the change will be complete; List Magick manifest in flesh will be his name.

Dude: Wow. I see. That is a pretty lofty goal. It sounds a little more transformative than simply getting into the habit of writing lists. Perhaps you can give us a few of the more practical aspects of List Magick. What does this transformation actually entale at the actionable level?

Al:  At the practical level, List Magick takes several practices and forms of ritual, including banishing distractions, invocation and evocation of overall goals and specific resources, eucharistic rituals for proper nutrition, consecration and purification of tools, schedules, and other resources, astral travel for focused attention, yoga for physical health and stress reduction, and divination for gathering more information to gain insight and to make better decisions.

Dude: Okay, that all sounds very practical. Can you walk us through each of these rituals individually?

Al: Yes, to effectively use List Magick for Getting Things Done, one must capture everything, clarify everything into actionable steps, organize and prioritize things into bit-sized chunks, and then review and reflect daily and weekly. Keep your lists moving, prune them, re-shuffle them, keep them short, and focus on the next action tasks. 
The purpose of banishing rituals is to eliminate forces that might interfere with List Magick operations. Focus. Eliminate distractions. Use the power of writing to retain messages from the unconscious. Write things down.
Purify yourself. Keep your life as simple as possible, but not simpler. 
Consecrate your lists. Dedicate three resources for three lists: one for next actions, another for projects, and another for future plans. Keep them separated. 
Invoke the power of List Magick by being as realistic about your limitations as possible. Be humble. Identify your weaknesses, treat them like problems, and solve them.
Stay calm. To harness this great power, one must eliminate anxiety and stress which diminish your conductance. Offer no resistance. Practice yoga and meditation to still your thoughts so your mind becomes quiet. 

Dude: I see. Wow. That all sound pretty grandiose and over-the-top. After a period of meditation, deep breathing, and focusing on the divine, the adept should become a more effective conduit for - what? Writing a good shopping list, planning the kids summer camp activities, and paying bills on time? 

Al: Dude, it is much more than that. We live on the battlefield between external pressures and inner peace, the border between heaven and Eath.  This is an existential struggle. Our very souls are caught between Chaos and Logos. Through List Magick, one can make a change in ones life by using ones own personal energy and the energy of surrounding elements.  The more one is able to identify with and devote oneself to the Great Spirit, the less the external pressures will matter and the greater the existential meaning will grow.  Identity with the Great Spirit is attained by love and by surrender, by giving up or suppressing all irrelevant and illusionary parts of yourself.

Dude: That is fascinating, Al. Thank you for coming in today. I really appreciate you taking the time to speak with me about this really important topic. 

Al: No problem. Thank you for having me.

Dude: We've been speaking today with Al Crowley (not to be confused with Aleister Crowley, of Thelema fame) about his List Magick method. 

* * *
Magick and the GTD method have more in common than just being two cults or two articles in Wikipedia. 

"The GTD method rests on the idea of moving planned tasks and projects out of the mind by recording them externally and then breaking them into actionable work items"; while Magick is "an effort to make a change in ones life by using ones own personal energy and the energy of surrounding elements."

If you lay the methods out side-by-side, the parallels become apparent without too much wishful thinking. 

In any case, you too can use the power of List Magick for getting things done!

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