Thursday, April 12, 2012

Is a reality without consciousness meaningful?

"If a tree falls in a forest when no one is around, does it make any noise?"
-- Ancient Chinese Thinker?

I take the position that a reality without consciousness is meaningless, but this begs the question of what is so significant about consciousness.

I believe that the interaction of two things, events, points in space, events in time, etc -- that interaction is the key to reality. For instance, a point all by itself is dimensionless. A point is a zero dimension mathematical concept. Another point, however, adds dimension to the first point. In the process, however, a new dimension is created: two points define the mathematical concept of a line. A third point, outside of the line, creates yet another dimension: a plane -- a two dimensional concept.
In each case, a dimension exists in an independent universe until it is connected to another dimension -- even a zero dimensional point -- and, in the process, creates a new dimension.

Extrapolating this concept out, a universe does not exist until it connects to another universe.

Now let's make a wide leap and state that each consciousness is an independent universe. From my perspective, nothing exists that does not affect me. Everything that affect me, exists. I am the center of my universe. I am the center of my reality. Nothing is real except that which affects me. Atoms may move a billion light years away, but until some effect from these movements reaches me, they do not affect me. A person next door may be plotting a bank heist, but until that information reaches me, or some related event touches me, it does not exist and it did not happen.

The interaction of individuals in a social society is the very heart of what is meaningful to humans. Without interaction, babies die, people go insane, or, at the very least, we become depressed. It is extremely rare that a person voluntarily lives as a hermit.

Emotionally there is a strong metaphorical analogy between the idea of interpersonal interaction creating a meaningful existence and two universes interacting to create a greater reality.

When something interacts with a consciousness, whatever that something is, it becomes real to the degree to which it affects the consciousness. If it barely affects the consciousness, then it is lost in the statistical background noise - the probability cloud of non-reality.

The descriptions of events on subatomic levels are dominated by probabilities and uncertainties. Electrons are best understood to exist in probability clouds. The location and momentum of a particle such as an electron is limited by the Heisenberg Uncertainty principle. And, moreover, electrons actually behave like a probability wave as well as like a particle, depending on how it interacts with other particles. At the subatomic level, the reality of a "thing" is restricted to a probability cloud or wave until it interacts with something else.
Before the subatomic "thing" interacts with something, it's reality is vague, it does not really exist except as a potential or as a probability.

Yet when something interacts, energy is lost and entropy is created. The act of creating a "reality" has lowered the energy state of the universe.

Extrapolating wildly, we can state that with each "reality" we are one step closer to "heat death", the ultimate total entropy, zero energy state universe. Total entrophy is the ultimate reality.

At this point, each probability wave, each potential, each universe has interacted

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