Saturday, December 11, 2010


ten minute self portrait with MS Paint 101
ten minutes? probably more like 30.
or maybe 45
to lose track of time

Friday, December 10, 2010

Stereotype A

Meet Jim.
Jim is a real man.
Notice his big arms, bushy beard, and steely gaze.
Jim has high blood pressure.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tehran Sprawl

Join the Green Conservative Party Today!
Where Conservative ideology blends with Conservationist ideology

We believe that the best way to protect the environment is through the all-natural boom and bust cycle of a Free Market Economy® !

® Free Market Economy is a registered trademark of the Green Conservative Party.  The words Free Market, however are in no way meant to imply a market left to the so-called invisible hand.  We believe, instead, that the economy can be aggressively stimulated in various key industries such as Green Technology and Consumer Credit that will inevitably result in market collapses and decreases in global carbon emissions.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Pith and Dribble

here's a game i like to play
i take the pea sized bundle of conviction
(the burning glow of certainty)
and i subject it to articulate debaters
and watch the gluey gullible glow
stick to one position
then another
twack twack twack
until it turns into a cold marble
of balanced, rational uncertainty
i mount my soap box chair
hands ready at the keyboad
preparing to pontificate
on some topic current and noble
but my ideas are skeletal
and need to be fleshed out
so i look up this and read about that
and the pithy sound bites fall apart
leaving muddy mumblings about
how complicated the issue is

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Monochromatic Markers

bad food in, bad feeling out

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Good for Them!

again, i feel the drop
hearing these he.she.its spit
from stage to mic to itunes
to ipod to my head
i hear the spit
and i sink
i drop
i turn away
and bare fluorescent lights flick on
drowning out the mood-light in my head
the harsh light reveals harsh reality
that these kids are not me
that they may like to hear the spit
and the bombastic transparencies
hurled out like something brave
and audacious
as they stand before their like-minded siblings
and permute like-minded sententiousness
good for them!
for them!
not for me.
i must be getting old
because i really have heard it before
even the same structure
the same contrived hipster voices
the funky soulful whatever
just young people mating
sending out their whale songs
good for them!
that's cool
they're cool
i'm not.

Fwd: postin up

listening to pri about the 60s 
something came to me, some connection
can't remember right now
mbti, change of beat movement
ah! radicalism, activism 
versus hip society! 
different groups of people
the activist start
then the sensualist follow
where do i fall?
outside of both bubbles, i imagine
neither group would have me
or i wouldn't have them
too dead for activism
too square for hipsterism
instead, i sit by the reflecting pool
full of philo-sophomoric narcissism

piss and shit
gas in my bowels
lead in my veins
cloudy overcast day
cloudy overcast mind

aspiration for life
does not exist
in articulated form
vaguely stupid images
of neanderthal strongman
with artistic bend
pumping out paintings
a steady stream of poems
simpleton, simple man
compulsive sketcher, painter


Auf dich!

i dont care about art
(thats a lie)
what i really care about is cool
about the feeling of cool
of something enviable
like damn, i wish id done that first
(i still could  
and maybe people wouldnt notice!)
(naw, thats cheap, 
a lie that would feel like shit)
so i am checking people out 
and making judgments
like, look at him!
thats kind of cool
sort of a dark, manly hulk look
got his own ideas 
aint afraid of living his way
(although hes going to die 
for being so fat!)
black shirt. thats cool
and look at her!
but shes trying too hard
wasnt she a model?
and now she is shadowing him
i know him, hes a dork
(he was all about being cool)
she (literally) has to stoop to his level
(i see her in my minds eye stooping)
and there again
another case of cool
(im all about cool) 
(it just happens to look like art sometimes
artsy or independent, thinking)
but this guy, hes goofy
i mean, hes fun, not dark
but doing his own things
happily popping out tricks
and grunging down his own path
making it look cute and casual
but check it out!
hes got product
hes got resume 
thats something cooler than
despondent, moping, apathy
das ist cool, man
wirklich cool!
Auf dich!

Prison Breaks

I write these lines from within prison walls. While I am guilty of killing many people, that is not the reason I am here. I am honored for m...