Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Pump sets

Following the logic of Kaatsu training, I suspect that one or two light sets (50% 1RM) following a high intensity set (75-90% 1RM) would have good hypertrophic effects.

True to my non-scientific roots, I looked for evidence to support my hunch (as opposed to evidence to refute it):
...results indicated that performing a single set of exercise at low intensity added after a strength-type regimen caused a significant increase in GH concentration. 

I experimented with this yesterday - a warm-up set, 60 second rest, working set (80% 1RM), 30 second rest, "pump set" (50% 1RM), 30 second rest, "pump set" (50% 1RM)

While the study indicated that a 50% 1RM set after a strength-set worked better than standard strength-type workouts, I am not sure if it works better than hypertrophy-type workouts (multiple sets at > 70% 1RM)
The increase in serum growth hormones seems to taper off quickly from about 5 ng/ml for 20% to 7 for 30% to 7.5 for 50%.  I suspect that 60% 1RM would result in something like 7.6 ng/ml.

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