Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Japanese Kaatsu Training

Japanese Kaatsu training ?!

It seems to work because it restricts blood flow similar to anaerobic intensities.

... one issue on which applied exercise physiologists and molecular biologists have agreed: to obtain substantial hypertrophy from a resistance training program, the target muscles must be subjected to substantially increased load. Therefore, the American College of Sports Medicine recommended that, during resistance training, the load should exceed 70% of the one repetition maximum to achieve maximum hypertrophy

...resistance training with shorter rest periods between sets results in greater hypertrophy than the same training program with long rest periods (but the same total mechanical work)

There is no doubt that resistance training with restricted flow would amplify high-energy phosphate depletion and lactic acid production compared with training at the same load with normal flow. In fact, insofar as there is a good correlation between high-energy phosphate depletion and acid production vs. load during resistance exercises (20), the recommendation that hypertrophy requires a load >70% of one repetition maximum might just as well be recast as a recommendation that the training must result in substantial anaerobic metabolism.

When the muscle is under tension, blood flow is cut off. Thus, Chris Thibaudeau recommends performing a resistance movement of "never allowing the muscles to relax during the set (always flexing as hard as possible during every inch of every rep) with 50-60% of the maximum performed to failure, led to oxygen levels of 23-24%."
Source: Stimulate More Muscle Growth [

The constant tension on the muscle shutting down blood floow. Once the sete is complete, a blood surges to the muscle.

Another method that will "occlude" blood flow to the muscle is an isometric action. The constant tension of the muscle occludes blood flow. David Barr's "Anabolic Pump Training" goes into this. [http://www.t-nation.com/readArticle.do?id=1555945]

Barr also recommends the iscoemtric action be follow with low high reps with a light load.

"Once all heavy work on a muscle is completed, lighter sets are performed with higher reps. Because the muscle is already stressed by the first part of the workout, it's primed to receive the extra nutritive blood flow that the high reps will induce. "

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