Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I had a theory about the nature of matter, the universe, and everything (TOE), but it turns out to be an extremely simplified, skeletal outline version of string theory. Did I read or hear about this theory, not really paying attention, but then suddenly declared it as my own - subconscious plagiarism? The gist of "my" idea is that forces are created by dimensional folds - a one dimensional line is folded to create a two dimensional triangle, which is folded to create a three dimensional shape, which is folded again to create a four dimensional shape, etc, etc. With each fold, the structure becomes stiffer and stiffer and the forces become larger and larger. These would correspond to gravity, electro-magnetism, weak nuclear, strong nuclear, etc.

This ties in with another idea that I somehow acquired. A point existing by itself is meaningless - it is only when the point interacts with another point that it becomes meaningful. Two points create a line - the interaction of two zero dimensional objects create a one dimensional object. Continuing this line of reasoning out to the universe, or to a tree falling in the forest when no one is around, is the universe meaningful if it does not interact with another universe? What would multiple universes look like (not multiple galaxies)? This would seem to require multiple realities. But how would different realities interact?

My pipe-dream answer is that consciousness, or self-awareness, is the interaction of multiple realities. The realities which interact to create consciousness are the realities that we perceive. If they did not create consciousness, then we would not perceive them. The non-interacting realities are as meaningless as a solitary point.
So, we could have infinite universes, or infinite realities, sort of like a probability cloud – overlapping and interacting to create pockets of high density consciousness.
What comes next? How do consciousnesses interact and what do they create – god? What then? How many turtles? Each turtle stands on the back of the next, all the way down… Call it infinite oneness, a self-referential loop, ?…

It is interesting that when you work backward along the chain of “logic”, each higher dimension gives meaning to the lower dimensions.

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