Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Warning: Bad Roofer

Let it be known that T&T Roofing in Ottawa, Ontario - Trevor Chesebro - is exceedingly bad.

He and his crew did not show up on time, banged up the siding, did not provide a proper receipt, did not clean up, and, most importantly, put leaks in our roof!

The step flashing slid down, leaving gaps, and they did not bother to slide it back up - so, of course, it channeled the rain water right into our house.

These guys also did not seal/caulk the nails they used for the flashing. We had unsealed nail holes straight through the roof.

They are completely unprofessional. Avoid them. Warn others against them.

Monday, October 26, 2009

How to squat

I recently learned about keeping my shoulder blades together for bench presses, but I did not know I needed to do this for squats too.

Monday, October 5, 2009


Current schedule:
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday (upper), Sunday (ride)
Last week, 75% (of 1RM):

Squat 225
Dead Lift 185
Shrug 225
Bench 205
Pull up 250
Dip 250

205 is 100% of my 10RM for bench, and 35 extra is about all I can pullup for 10 reps.
I could do a few more for everything else - squat, dead, shrug, dip.

Need to do my deconditioning/rest week. It is not the right time of the cycle, but I haven't taken a break in months and I feel it...

Prison Breaks

I write these lines from within prison walls. While I am guilty of killing many people, that is not the reason I am here. I am honored for m...