Friday, April 24, 2009

Sea Oh Two

Our current CO2 levels are 388.79 ppmv.
The highest it has been in 400,000 years is about 300 ppmv.
Is climate change happening? Yes
Are humans partially responsible? Yes
Can we do anything about it? Probably not
Is there a profitable opportunity in coming cataclysm? Surely there is!

Figure 2.22: Variations of temperature, methane, and atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations derived from air trapped within ice cores from Antarctica (adapted from Sowers and Bender, 1995; Blunier et al., 1997; Fischer et al., 1999; Petit et al., 1999).25 years.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I know everyone has probably heard this already, but I think it is amazing to reflect on every once in a while…
There are approximately 100 trillion cells in the human body, each with 3 billion DNA base pairs. Right now, every one of these cells is buzzing with chemical activity with billions of electrons popping from molecule to molecule… causing molecules to grab and clutch and push and shove each other around at millions of reactions per second. Amazingly all of this mayhem and resulting gook keeps going – it somehow keeps resetting itself.
This is amazing even without caffeine.

Prison Breaks

I write these lines from within prison walls. While I am guilty of killing many people, that is not the reason I am here. I am honored for m...